i feel like im living in a shoe,! as my 2 daughters share the smallest room at the moment, there is no room for a chest of draws or a wardrobe with the two bed's so not only have i got my sister living in my living room but i have six peoples clothes in my room, i cant move i cant even get to my own wardrobe,! i suffer with depression and this is not doing me any good !.
so im just wondering what to do as im so unhappy with our living conditions we have been waiting on the council list for eight months now.
i have called environmental health out, but this was before my sister had moved in, now things are a lot worse, does any one know what i can do ? please please help me !
kind regards mandaHow many bedrooms am i entitled to with 6 people living in a 2 bed house at the mo?
I see you are in the UK, from the language used. Okay, here goes.
There should be no children over 10 years old sharing a room with a child of the opposite sex. Only couples should be sharing rooms, or people of the same sex, or children under 10.
The 2 girls can share a room with your sister.
All rooms, except the kitchen, can be considered suitable for sleeping in.
The dog does not count.
You cannot ';deliberately'; overcrowd your house. You may be committing an offence if you do, and the council is not obliged to rehouse you. How did your sister end up living there?
If you are the tenant, rather than your sister, and you get rehoused, the council is not obliged to consider her needs, and not obliged to give her the tenancy to the house you are leaving.
There is tremendous strain on public housing stock right now. Everyone else considers their own need to be as important to them as yours is to you.
Have you and your partner considered working harder, increasing your combined income, and buying a bigger house?How many bedrooms am i entitled to with 6 people living in a 2 bed house at the mo?
Get rid of your sister and the dog for a start. It may be difficult, but you need to start to take more responsibility for your life and not rely on everyone else for what you regard as ';entitlement';. Try to find a job and save for a bigger or better place, getting out to work and being in control may help you feel less depressed too.
it's a wonder you havent had legal trouble. is sister on the lease? probably not. so you are probably in violation of the lease already. probably should tell the sister she needs to find her own place.
you need to get a better place; bigger. why you entitled to anything? is this welfare? if so you prolly in viloation of their rules as well.
You want a better life? Work for it like the rest of us!
I am sick and tired of paying for children that I did not create.
Grow up and take responsibility for yourself. I see you've managed to get to a computer, so you can't be a complete moron. Get a job and make your life better. Stop stealing my money to support yourself and your illegitimate children.
Do you have a son? Of you do then you should get a 3 bed...if your children are one sex then not...also is your sister a minor? Under 18? If she is over 18 she wont count as a dependent....she HAS to be dependent on you to count.
You are entitled to what you pay for!?! Why would you all squish into that small place? Is it even legal to have that many people and that many kids in one place? Get a job and move!!
All children can share until 10 yrs old, it depends on the age of your sister, if she is over 18 she wouldn't count so if the kids are under 10 then 2 bedrooms is all they would allow you.
As many as you like, you and your partner can get a job work really hard and buy your own house.
How about get a job and PAY for a bigger place. Nothing worse than welfare people whining about free stuff.
I'm sorry, I must be missing something. Entitled?
Your sister could move out maybe?
Apparently no one ever told you that the world does not owe you a darn thing! So, here it is:
I've had a job since I was eight years old. I've saved money my entire life so that I wouldn't have to steal from others to support myself.
Why should the profits of my decades of hard work, sacrifice, and savings be taken from me and given to you? Exactly how depressed do you think that makes me?
Entitled? Excuse me, did you say ENTITLED???
You steal my money to pay for the choices that you have made and you think you're entitled to more because you're sad about your situation?
How about the way it should be: You live in a box under a bridge somewhere and your children are put into a foster home where intelligent people can raise them to be productive citizens instead of another generation of sponges.
What is wrong with people like you? Instead of being grateful for your FREE RIDE, you whine and cry that you need more. You want more? Do what the rest of us do and GET A JOB! Work more. Learn new skills and take on more responsibility. THAT is how you get more in this life.
I started working at age 12 with a paper route, and I haven't stopped since. I never thought that anyone owed me anything simply because I'm here. People like you disgust me. Why should I have to sacrifice my life savings in order to give you your proper comfort level?
I guess you'd like a 5000 square foot mansion with a pool as well? How about a maid so that you don't get depressed cleaning that big house?
I agree with the others. Grow up and take responsibility for your choices. You know why other people have better lives? They deserve them. You should be grateful that you have what you do. Many working people do not have so much.
It sounds like the kids' clothes need to be moved to the living room with your sister. I understand that the living room is her space, but it's also probably the biggest room with the most space for those chests of drawers containing the kids' clothes. You are already so crammed together in the bedrooms that every little bit should help. I am sorry that I cannot make more suggestions for you, but it is difficult (as you know!) fitting six people and a dog into a two-bedroom house. Good luck with everything.
If you thought your property was already overcrowded, then why did your sister move in? If you are in England, the legal definition of overcrowding may be different from what you perceive to be overcrowding. The number of rooms you'll need depends on the ages of your children. The link in the source will tell you how to calculate this. If your sister was not included when you applied for a transfer, don't include her in your calculations.
If you suffer from depression, perhaps you could speak to your GP to write a letter that you can take to your council? You may be able to get reasonable preference if your housing situation is making your depression worse.
wow some irrate answers you have here! Ok, I doubt you are ';entitled'; to anything, seeing as you are probably in breach of your lease by having your sister living with you. Perhaps you could club together with your sister and get a bigger place? if not, perhaps its a case of suck it and see.
There really are worse things in the world my love, especially seeing as you've only been on the council list for 8 months. when that turns into 8 years, try posting this again, for now, be grateful you have a roof over your head. I'm sorry you've had a lot of animosity towards this question, and I completely agree with the majority of the answers, but you need to first help yourself before expecting others to.
You're depressed? I'm paying for a bunch of children that aren't mine. I didn't knock you up, so why should I have to pay for your kids? THAT is depressing!
You know what makes me feel good? Having a purpose in life besides being a leech. Maybe if you got a job and started contributing something to society instead of stealing from hard working people, you'd feel better.
Like another poster said, GROW UP! You had children, but you are still one yourself. We don't owe you a darn thing! Instead of being grateful for having a roof over your heads and food in your bellies, you cry about being cramped. Boo hoo. Many working people don't have it as nice as you do.
hello, well first of all you %26amp; your husband along with children comes first for the most part. what i would do is me %26amp; my husband would sit down %26amp; talk about whats going %26amp; how can we make it better for us %26amp; the children , like taking on a second job maybe getting rid of the dog just for temporarily, until we get a bigger place at least. by me having a sisters i can understand why you let her come %26amp; stay with you maybe because she didn't have anywhere to go, or maybe she did but it was in heart to just let her come %26amp; stay regardless. but its not healthy if you suffer from depression you need to talk to someone because if you don't you can have a break down or something worse %26amp; your family don't need that especially your children.
Why are people assuming that you don't work? I don't see anything in your question about you being unemployed.
Just because someone lives in a council house, doesn't mean that they're not paying rent.
These people obviously don't have a feckin scooby what they're talking about.
I know that it's very difficult to get a council house (luckily I managed to buy a place, as the council were offering me nothing), but make sure you have medical points. If you don't, get a line from your GP, because you need all the points you can get. And, obviously points for overcrowding.
You need to keep on hassling them. Keep going to see them, or phone them, all the time. They will get sick of it, and eventually offer you something else.
The system has changed here now, don't know what it's like where you are, but here people have to actually go and apply for a house (which is advertised in the paper or online) and tell the Housing that they're interested in it. They say that it's not a points system, so I have no idea how they prioritise it. But, good luck anyway.
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