I have a boy and girl also my husband and i are getting a divorce but wish to live in the same house...in different rooms.
This means our 3 bedroom home would no longer be suitable.
is this allowed?Would the council let me move to a 4 bed house... plz read on?
I think if you've found a swop you can move whatever the circumstances but if you want to claim single person benefits it might be tricky.Would the council let me move to a 4 bed house... plz read on?
What council?
What country do you live in?
If you lived in the USA you could live anywhere you want! Comrade
I think it would be very unlikely because you do not need a 4 bed roomed house. You would need more than 2 children to qualify for one.
Your divorce status is immaterial, the council would consider housing one of you in a 1 bed flat but would not allow a transfer to a 4 bed house on the grounds of under occupation.
The council has to approve your move and give a reference to the other landlord.
If you have a record of rent arrears or anti social behaviour, they can, and do, turn down exchanges.
thats a hard one.
i don,t think the council will believe you unless you produce paper work.
and even then i can,t see them moving you.
god knows but its worth a try.
OMG is this what decent people pay their taxes for?
Are u kidding? your ID is a disgrace! Moderator! Wake up.
Forget about the divorce and try the swap you allowed a bedroom for yourself, daughter and son.
your also allowed a spare bedroom for guest etc. so unless you have rent arrears there is no reason that an exchange cant go through
Don't understand the question. Why couldn't you move? Are you saying you would still want to share a residence with an ex for expense purposes? I guess you should talk to your lawyer.
Doubt if the council will believe you and your husbands situation but it would be against your human rights if they did not give you the benefit of the doubt but you will have to prove the separate bedroom issue....how you do this will be for the council to decide.
Never in a million years. The housing situation is in a dire state, and will not let you exchange to a house bigger than you need. They will not take into consideration the fact that you are divorcing, they will insist that one of you moves out of your present home, ( usually the husband.) Hope this helps, I work for a local housing authority.
I dont think your marital situation is of any concern to the council. Why should they take the responsibility for you wanting separate rooms - it's your problem, I'm afraid, not theirs! Just try single beds, or making the effort to keep your relationship together - that's what marriage is all about - for better for worse, etc. If you actually owned the house yourself, do you think you would make the effort, and take on the expense, to move to purchase a 4 bed house to accommodate your whims? Somehow I don't think so, so I reckon the council will tell you to sling your hook and stop trying to freeload.
No you won't be allowed. 4 bed houses are for those in REAL need.
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