Saturday, February 20, 2010

How long do the council leave 3 kids in 2 bed house for?

i have two girls under 5 and another on the way. We all live in 2 bed house. How long do councils leave 3 kids in the same room for. Dont know sex of baby yet! UK answers onlyHow long do the council leave 3 kids in 2 bed house for?
My friend had 3 girls in a 2 bed council house.

The oldest girl was 16 before they got a move.

If you have a boy you'll be moved much quicker.

How sad that people assume because someone lives in a council home they are scrounging off the state.How long do the council leave 3 kids in 2 bed house for?
They won't do a thing until your oldest child hits 16 (thats assuming the baby is another girl). If the baby is a boy, they won't do a thing until your eldest is at least 8-9, and even then they won't do a thing if you have 2 reception rooms (living room and dining room), as one can be turned into a bedroom. A friend of mine was told to sleep in the hall :| Yup, that really happened.

It also depends on where you live- I'm in the South and it's definitely harder here because of the pressure on Social housing.

Best thing it to call your housing officer to ask for advicem or call they know the law properly (even better than the councils do, trust me on that one, I speak from personal experience!).

Best of luck and enjoy your baby :)
If you have another girl, you will need to have them in the same room until the eldest is 8, then you will be eligable for a 3 bed house. However in some council areas they are changing this age limit to 14, as they have such a shortage of houses available. Stupid I know!

If you have a boy you will be eligable for a 3 bedroom straight away, although you may still need to wait before one becomes available.

I know this as I was in a 2 bed flat with my 2 daughters, then my son was born so I was put on the housing list for a 3 bed. They told me 82 people were ahead of me on the list, so to expect around a 5 year wait for a property! My flat was only small and my son was having to sleep in with myself and my partner. I found an empty council house so I kept on and on at the council, making daily phone calls to them, got a letter from my doctor to say the crowded living conditions were unacceptable, and also sent them photos of how cramped the rooms were. My perseverence paid off - I got the house I wanted.

Good luck with it all, but make sure you make yourself heard to the council or you will be left at the bottom of the pile.

And congratulations on your new baby xx
upto 11 years old kids are allowed to share the same room and I think because their the same sex it could even be longer as for your new baby hunni don't hold out too much hope I'm 34 weeks pregnant and they told me if there aint enough space in my bedroom I should use my living room as the babies room baring in mind its a 2nd floor flat with no lift either - the council actually SUCK! good luck hun ul need it xx
People are so damn nasty on here, Do not listen to what they are saying, There just idiots that dont know what life is like in the real world!

Oh and is she posted a question saying 'Im pregnant, I dont have enough space so i think ill get rid' you would all have something to say then, wouldn't you? Your all hypocrites!

Anyway, To the question...It really depends on where you are living, My mum had 4 of us. 2 boys %26amp; 2 girls in a 3 bed house and one of the rooms was a shoe box, just about fit a bed in there. The council said for 2 of us to share in there. Some coucil departments are more sympathetic and helpfull than other, but i suggest going in and asking and getting on the waiting list because i know that takes up to 2 months where i am, just to be put on the list!

good luck :)
Why are some people here having a go at her? You dont know her situation. she might not be a scrounger and might work full time and not actually claim any benefits.

If you are a UK citizen then you have a right to apply for a council house.

I too am on the waiting list and I am in no way a chav or a scrounger.

I intend to pay my way but unfortunately this country is too expensive to live here anymore. So I need a council house for the cheaper rent as I cant afford private rents or mortgage. This is the whole point in council houses.

I hate it when chavs or drug addicts get given these houses though because they are on benefits so not only do they get a cheap house they also get everything paid for by us tax payers - it makes me so mad as I have been told I have to wait 6 years for a house yet polish people get given them alot sooner than that.

Anyway answering your question..... I know someone who has 3 girls and has been waiting 5 years for a 3 bed.

It's ridiculas - why do the council keep giving the houses away to the scum and not leaving any left for decent hard working people?
The will only give you a three bedroom house if you have a boy because they dont think its necessary to have children of the same sex in different rooms. If you have another girl im afraid you are stuck where you are!
hey.. i think the council would be reluctant to re-house you unless u dont have enough space..they would normally force you to like have the baby in your room and the 2 girls in together on bunk beds or something

if u have a girl then they would say all ur children can go in together in the same room, if u have a boy then they will most likely re house you quicker!!
thank you for spending my tax on another child !!!!!! I am pregnant with our second and we can no longer afford to live in the UK

If we didn't have to pay so much damn tax we would be fine .. so thanks !!!!
they wont move u straight away as girls can share a room. Even if u were to have a boy they wont move u as girls and boys can share the same room until a certain age which i beleave is when the boy is 8.
Yeah I think as long as they are all the same sex the councill asume they can all share a room. Which could be a big disaster as three girls get older
Why are you getting pregnant again when you don't have space for the children that you already have.
If you were worried about your lack of space,why did you get preg nant again?...////

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