Saturday, February 20, 2010

What will be average bills per month for a 4 bed house in Manchester?

Hi, I am moving in a flat with my three friends in Manchester (Hulme). Can anybody tell what average monthly bills should we expect? ThanksWhat will be average bills per month for a 4 bed house in Manchester?
Expect your electric to come to around 拢80 - 90 a month for three of you if you're average users. Council tax varies depending on the property, so you'd have to find out from the council. It's unlikely you'll have gas if it's one of the new build apartments in Hulme, so you won't need to pay that. Water also depend on if it's metered or not, but I expect it will be and so you should expect to pay around 拢50 - 拢60 a quarter for average use for 3 of you.What will be average bills per month for a 4 bed house in Manchester?
find out what council tax band is say band c 140 a month (check council webpage), try n get duel fuel say with eon get internet for discount on fuel 8% and discounts for paying direct debit on all the below hmmm gas and electric say pay standard direct debit fee of 80.00 a month your usage probs wouldnt be 80 in summer but build it up for winter then you dont get a hole in your pocket if you move they will pay you back. water depends if on meter or not if not standard rate probs about 300 for the year if on meter a little more, tv licence 144.00 then internet or phone line and pay tv. iv got mobile broadband cost 15.00 a month for 3gb never use it all and use net heaps, and free calls on mobile so no need for telephone line or use skype.

hmmmmm your food if you split the food probs 100.00 a week (not including drink) in hulme going city centre have to travel probs 20.00 or more a week. home insurance maybe rough guess 200 for the year or more cos living with diff peeps and in hulme hmmmmm cant think if any other expenses. you said house and then flat so rates may be alittle lower for a flat
make sure the day you move in. to take the readings of electric. water. and.gas. and contact the suppliers with these readings.. otherwise. you may well get a bill that is owed from the previous tennants. also don't forget you also need to take in to consideration. a tv licence. as its just not worth the hassle of getting caught. and getting fined 拢1000. for the sake of 拢140..

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