Saturday, February 20, 2010

Will adding an (garage 2 bed extension) add value to my 2 bed house?

We are currently in a two bed house and running out of room as our family is growing. We can not afford a 3 bed in the same area. We were thinking of adding a garage and two bedrooms like a few of our neighbours have but worried we may not add value to our property if deciding to sell in the long run.Will adding an (garage 2 bed extension) add value to my 2 bed house?
You can look at this 2 ways, yes it will add value to the house as it will add 2 more beds and off road parking, on the other hand the house may be seen as ';Top heavy';, meaning it has a lot of sleeping accommodation but not a lot of living space, this is why adding a conservatory as well or at a later date may be well advised choice.

If you like the area and your neighbours go for the extension, a few weeks upheaval for a lovely house what more do you want, buy a couple of the house renovation mags to get some ideas, have fun and make a beautiful house.....Will adding an (garage 2 bed extension) add value to my 2 bed house?
of course it will add, with street parking becoming more %26amp; more difficult...many people want a house with a garage.
yes of course it will
Provided you don't go over the top with it, you should be on a winner. If other houses in the area have been done, then yours will not be over the top, and therefore must add value.

Make sure you get a reputable builder, this could save you 拢拢拢拢,s and a lot of heartache.

To do this rather than move should also be financialy better for you as all the money you spend will go into your property instead of stamp duty and estate agents fees.
Best thing to do is get a valuation from an estate agent and ask a builder for a quote for the work. Or if a similar property has sold recently see how much it went for. You may be stuck with doing the extension for more space even if it doesnt add much value. It will always add value but depending on how much it costs to do in the first place you may not get much of a profit if you sell.
Yes it will add value to your property providing the extension is in keeping with the surroundings (i.e. It does not stick out like a sore thumb!).

Engage a good architect who understands the regulations and as said before, a reputable builder.

One proviso though; it will add value but maybe not to the extent of your expenditure. Will depend upon demand for 4 bed houses when you sell.

Good luck.

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